Applications open for €200 grant for low earners
The application period for a €200 grant for people on low incomes opened on Wednesday, February 15, with a deadline to apply of March 31.
The financial aid was announced by Spain’s prime minister Pedro Sánchez in December for families with earnings of less than €27,000 a year.
The grant consists of a single payment of €200, for individuals with low income and assets, who during 2022 have been salaried employees, self-employed, or recipients of unemployment benefit or subsidy, according to the Tax Agency.
Applicants must be resident in Spain, registered with Social Security or a mutual insurance scheme and their earnings must not exceed €27,000 in total gross income and €75,000 euros of assets on December 31, 2022 (excluding their main residence).
Income and assets of family households must be added together, including registered unmarried partners.
The grant can be applied for using the online at the Tax Agency.
To submit the application form it is necessary to have Cl@ve, an electronic certificate or DNI-e. The form can also be submitted by a third party.
If you think this applies to you and you need help to apply contact BBA on 695 210 108 between 8am and 8pm or email britbengirona@gmail.com.